Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Flyerz. These terms and conditions apply to the App and all its divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliate-operated Internet sites. By accessing the App; you confirm that you understand all of our Terms and Conditions. But, if you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of use, you shall not use this App from the very first step.

The App reserves all the right to change, modify, add, or even remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of use at any needed time. Also, changes will be effective when posted on the App in no other possible way.

You agree to review the agreement periodically to be aware of such modifications, and your accessing or using the service constitutes your acceptance of the agreement as it appears at the time of your access or use. From time to time, Flyerz may offer App visitors the opportunity to participate in additional features or services through this App. You may be required to enter into additional agreements or authorizations before you can access such features or services.

So, please, before taking any further steps, firstly, check these Terms and Conditions in advance. As you continue using, the App that means you are accepting all the following Terms and Conditions of use.

Intended for users 13 and older

The App is intended for use by individuals 13 years of age or older. This App is not directed for use by children under the age of 18. Users under the age of 18 should get the assistance of a parent or guardian to use this App.


Acceptable use "You agree that you will not":

-       Use this App for any purpose in violation of local, state, national, or international laws.

-       Use this App as a means to distribute advertising or other unsolicited material to any third party.

-       Use this App to post or transmit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or embarrassing to any other person or entity.

-       Attempt to disable, "hack," or otherwise interfere with the proper functioning of this App.

-       Violate or attempt to violate the security of the App, including, without limitation:

-       Accessing data not intended for App users or logging onto a server or an account that App users are not authorised to access;

-       Attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization;

-       Accessing or using the App or any portion thereof without authorization, is in violation of these Terms of Use or is in violation of applicable law.

     Use any scraper, crawler, spider, robot, or other automated means of any kind to access or copy data on the App, deep-link to any feature or content on the App, or bypass our robot exclusion headers or other measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the App.

     Use any device, software, routine, or any other means to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of this App or any activity being conducted on this App.

Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. Flyerz will investigate occurrences that may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.

In the event access to the App or a portion, thereof is limited by requiring a user ID and password ("Protected Areas"), you agree to access Protected Areas using only your user ID and password as provided to you by Flyerz. You agree to protect the confidentiality of your user ID and password and not to share or disclose your user ID or password to any third party. You also agree that you are fully responsible for all activity occurring under your user ID. Your access to the App may be revoked by Flyerz at any time with or without cause.

Account set-up “You agree to the following”:

-       You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information when registering to use the App and establishing an account ("Registration Information").

-       You agree to maintain and promptly update the Registration Information to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, or Flyerz has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, Flyerz may suspend or terminate your account.

-       You agree that you are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any passwords and any usage and activities that occur in connection with your account.

-       You agree not to allow others to access your account or utilise your password. Doing so will compromise the security of your account.

Termination of use

Flyerz may, in its sole discretion, terminate your account or your use of the App at any time. You are personally liable for any orders that you place or charges that you incur before termination.

Flyerz reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any aspects of the App at any time without prior notice.

User-Generated Content, Reviews, Feedback, and other Postings to the App

If you submit, upload, or post any comments, ideas, suggestions, information, files, videos, images, or other materials to us or our App ("User-Generated Content"), you agree not to provide any User-Generated Content that:

(1) Is defamatory, abusive, libellous, unlawful, obscene, threatening, harassing, fraudulent, pornographic, or harmful, or that could encourage criminal or unethical behaviour.

(2) Violates or infringes the privacy, copyright, trademark, trade dress, trade secrets, or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, or

(3) Contains or transmits a virus or any other harmful component. You agree not to contact other users of the App through unsolicited E-mail, telephone calls, mailings, or any other method of communication.

You represent and warrant to Flyerz that you have the legal right and authorization to provide all User-Generated Content to Flyerz for the purposes and Flyerz's use as set forth herein.

Flyerz shall have a royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable right and licence to use the User-Generated Content in whatever manner Flyerz desires, including, without limitation, to copy, modify, delete in its entirety, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, and/or sell and/or distribute such User-Generated Content and/or incorporate such User-Generated Content into any form, medium, or technology throughout the world.

Flyerz is and shall be under no obligation

(1) To maintain any User-Generated Content in confidence

(2) To pay to you any compensation for any User-Generated Content or

(3) To respond to any User-Generated Content.

Flyerz does not regularly review posted User-Generated Content but does reserve the right (but not the obligation) to monitor and edit or remove any User-Generated Content submitted to the App. You grant Flyerz the right to use the name that you submit in connection with any User-Generated Content. You also agree not to use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any User-Generated Content. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any User-Generated Content you make. Flyerz and its affiliates take no responsibility and assume no liability for any User-Generated Content submitted by you or any third party.

Trademarks & Copyrights

All intellectual property, copyrights, whether registered or unregistered in the App including, but not limited to (informational content, the App design, text, graphics, software, photos, video, music, and all the software compilations, underlying source code, and software) shall remain our property. The entire content of the Flyerz App is protected by the rules of the Egyptian copyright laws and all the possible international conventions "All rights are reserved". 


You understand and agree that Flyerz App and any services, content, or information contained on or provided by Flyerz App is provided on an "as is basis. Flyerz does not make any express or implied warranties, representations, or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title or non-infringement or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) about the service or any merchandise, information, or service provided through the service. In addition, Flyerz does not guarantee that the use of Flyerz App will be free from technological difficulties including, but not limited to, unavailability of information, downtime, service disruptions, viruses, or worms. You understand that you are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for the accuracy of data input and output.

Links to Third-Party Websites/Apps

The App contains links to other sites/Apps operated by third parties, including but not limited to third-party sites/Apps that may display the Flyerz trademarks ("Third Party Sites/App"). These links are available for your convenience and are intended only to enable access to these Third-Party Sites/Apps and for no other purpose.

Flyerz does not warrant or make any representation about the substance, quality, functionality, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or any other representation about any Third Party website/App or its content. A link to a Third Party website to the Flyerz App does not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, approval, or responsibility for any Third Party Site/App. Flyerz makes no representation or warranty a:

s to any products or services offered on any Third-Party Website/App. The conditions of use and privacy policy of any Third Party Website/App may differ substantially from the conditions of use and legal notices that apply to your use of the App. Please review the conditions of use for all Third-Party Sites/Apps for more information about the terms and conditions that apply to your use of Third-Party Sites/Apps.


You agree that any dispute or claim (including personal injury claims) related to your use of the Flyerz App shall be governed by the laws of Egypt. These Terms of use also apply to anyone claiming on your behalf.

Contact information

If you have any questions about the service, please contact us at[1] :
